Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Curt has been really sore these past two days. I went to massage his shoulders and he howled in pain. Want to know why? Of course you do!

It's not because he has been lifting recently.

It's not the p90x sessions he's had. 

It's not our intense volleyball games.

He is sore because of MINUTE TO WIN IT.

& unfortunately he did not win it. He was soo close and it came down to the final battle. Here's what happened:

Minute to Win It Battle #1
There was 32 people, all wanting to win as badly as Curt. They were challenged to spin the arms as fast as possible to roll up jumbo streamers around their arms. This is why Curt is hurting so bad today. He said he never moved is arms faster before. These battles are intense stuff. And Curt came through and made it to the next round. 
Minute to Win It Battle #2
There was now 16 people. They were all given a panty-hose with a penny at the bottom. It was their task to reach the penny with only one hand. It is a lot more difficult than it sounds, and of course Curt came out on top. By this point, he thought he had this whole thing a the bag. He wanted the gold. 
Minute to Win It Battle #3
This one was rigorous. Not many people survived after this one. Curt had to balance SIX whole dingdongs on his forehead. Thanks to his ninja skills and yoga classes, he masters the art of balance and passed through to the next round

Minute to Win It Battle #4
This one was easy shpeasy. He had to keep a feather in the air for 2 minutes. No problem. Curt has the hugest lungs in the world. He could have kept a bowling ball in the air for that long!  

Minute to Win It Battle #5
This was what we were all waiting for. The final battle to the death, kinda. Curt mastered all the other battles and was ready for this one. They announced the challenge. You had to put a panty-hose on your head (while looking ridiculous). The catch is, inside the panty-hose was a baseball. You had to swing the baseball in a circle to knock down soda bottles that were placed in a circle around you. That meant spinning was involved -- Curt's worst nightmare. If you know Curt, you know that how ANY spinning at all makes him real sick and dizzy. It's his weakness and they exploited it. Curt tried his darnedest, but the spinning took him down. So now all Curt has for this is sore arms and a very sick stomach. Maybe next year Curt. Maybe next year. 

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