Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Let's drink to that.

Saturday was great. It was our last night of freedom before school started. So we whipped out our handy dandy Oprah cookbook and created a masterpiece! We made a delicious sweet potato salad, crostini with wild mushrooms & mozzarella (love love this), and Lemon Chicken Scaloppine in Pine Nut-Parmesan Crust. We were fine dining that night! Oh yes, we also had a side of blackberries paired with sparkling grape juice. Perfection on a table right there.

The ONLY thing that could have made this meal more perfect is if we were watching something wonderful, something dear to our hearts. Netflix heard our hearts desires and provided Princess Bride for us. Such a classic! We also decided to play a little drinking game with this movie and our sparkly. These were the rules:

When you hear a predetermined word or phrase, you must drink. Here are some of the catch phrases you MUST use for optimum enjoyment of this game:
  • Farmboy
  • As you wish.
  • Buttercup
  • Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.
  • Inconceivable
  • True love.
  • Mawige.
  • Humperdink
  • Man in black.
  • Boo!
  • Rodents of unusual size
  • you truly have a dizzying intellect. Wait till I get going!
  • What's so funny? I'll tell you in a minute.
  • ...and dream of large women.
  • hahahahahahahahahahaha... (thud)
  • I am not left-handed!
  • I'm not left-handed either!
  • Life is pain, highness...anyone that says otherwise is selling something.
  • Ever heard of Aristotle? Socrates? Yes. Morons.
  • Anybody want a peanut?
  • My way isn't sportsmanlike.
That's a lot of words/phrases as you can see. Good thing we stocked up with 4 bottles of sparkly. 

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